Another day of bonding over, at this point we are in a bit of a daze, trapped in a seemingly endless cycle of visiting Leah, eating and sleeping, we have pretty much lost all track of time, its still 2008 isn't it?!?
Let me review our day for you,
Woke up at 8.30am, enjoyed a weird breakfast of cereal followed by minced meat wrapped in pancakes along with bread, sausage, cheese, cucumber, fried potatoes with onions and lots of red sauce, all washed down with fizzy water, fruit juice and a couple of cups of coffee. My typical breakfast at home is a slice of toast and peanut butter around 10.30am!
We leave the hotel at 10am and visit Leah from 10.30 till 12.
Back to the hotel, snack for lunch and catch up on the mountain of emails that have arrived the previous evening.
Picked up again at 2pm and visit Leah till around 4pm, hand her back and head home to the hotel.
We usually stop somewhere for dinner on the way back to the hotel then once we arrive back catch up on the rest of the emails, skype some family and friends, update the blog, do a little reading then watch a DVD then go to sleep.
Wake up at 8.30am enjoy a weir........ You get the idea, its all a bit 'Groundhog Day'!!!!!
Back to Leah news, we made her cry today!!! We are pretty excited about it!!
OK, I know that's usually not something to brag about but when we were leaving after our afternoon visit she was handed back to the carer as normal but when we did our usual waves from the door and she realised that we were leaving her she started to cry, woohoo!! That's the first time that has happened, I think she may be starting to realise we are something more than just very nice carers with fun toys!!
Philip, Amanda & Leah

The doll that fascinates Leah

Winter Wonderland.

Manhole cover, 8" under the ice!