After all the frustrations and delays of the last week today could not have gone any better, many prayers answered!
Started early with a visit to the notary for an hours worth of document signing, then unto the ministry for our formal referral offer. After the last of the formalities were over then it was off to the baby home.
One hour later, almost out into the countryside we arrived at the home, met with his doctors and then finally we were ushered into a little room and a few minutes later Will arrived. He is fantastic, amazingly happy, smiley baby very active and incredibly curious about us and all the little toys and rattles that kept coming out of our bag.
Hes almost 12 months old, brown eyes and unbelievably curly blonde hair. He is crawling and pulling himself up he looks like he's not far off walking, it also goes without saying that he is the cutest boy in all of Russia!
Our visit with him lasted for an hour and after a few moments of natural, 'who on earth are you people and what strange language are you speaking' he really warmed to us, he is obviously used to being played with and carried, the doctor told us he is one of the favorites among the carers!
You are going to have to be patient for a few more days to see some pics as we want to get home and show all our pics and videos to Leah first, after that i'll put a few on the blog.
Such a relief to have finally met him and for the visit to have gone so well, God is good!
Philip, Amanda, Leah and Will!
PS: Oops, just realized I accidentally posted the title before I finished writing the blog, i'm not that cruel!!
Outside the Baby Home |
Very fit babies in Russia!! |
Grounds of the baby home |